The Future Of FMCG test market distribution
Is here.
Freedom Distribution offers an unmatched opportunity for FMCG brands to launch and test market their Food and Beverage products within a network of over 1,500 retail locations. These outlets are situated in the vibrant and diverse areas of South Florida, encompassing Miami-Dade, Broward, and Palm Beach counties.
(C) 2023. All Rights Reserved. Freedom This Group.
Get Your Products Into Retail Fast.
Seize your opportunity to launch or test your new food, beverage, or other Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) product in the South Florida retail market. For as little as $490 monthly, we offer access to an expansive distribution network in the tri-county area of Miami-Dade, Broward, and Palm Beach. Your products can reach over 1,600 retail locations, including major outlets like Publix, CVS, Safeway, Win-Dixie, Presidente, Sedano's, as well as numerous convenience stores, coffee shops, and gyms.Our distribution subscription covers the warehousing of your goods but also includes the ordering process, to-store delivery, customer service, and comprehensive sales support, including professional sales sheets. We offer a range of customizable add-ons, such as enhanced sales support with purchasers, targeting of new accounts, in-store demonstrations, and assistance with marketing and pricing strategies.With no binding agreement requirements, our flexible service allows you to modify or cancel your distribution subscription at any time.
(C) 2023. All Rights Reserved. Freedom This Group.
We Understand Brand Owners.
Freedom Distribution, part of the Freedom This Group of Companies, offers a broad spectrum of services. Our expertise spans a wide array of areas, including co-packing, manufacturing, formulation, branding, marketing, product packaging, design, as well as business coaching and consulting, specifically tailored for the food, beverage, and Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) sectors.
We believe that the growth and thriving of businesses unlocks freedom and prosperity for everyone.
(C) 2023. All Rights Reserved. Freedom This Group.
We Walk You Through It.
After learning more about our detailed offer and onboarding process via email, you are invited to schedule a call with one of our dedicated team members.
Deland, FL & Boynton Beach FL